Laws are made to be obeyed and that’s the way the system stays 
The country stands with troops at hand who provide 
Protection for the state 
At school you're taught to play the fool, 
The path is set, followed by all 
Employment gained the nation’s safe, 
It’s all for one and none for all 

It’s time we dismissed all their lies that keep us in position 
Their demanding obligations 
Their deliberate segregation 
Their world of degradation 
The mass negotiations in their pointless pleas for sanctions 
Class conditioning starts from very young 
If you are rich or you are fortunate you get trained and treated better 
And if you're not it’s just tough shit 
The elite are brainwashed into believing 
That they are respected and highly valued 
Rewarded with a higher salary bribed with 
That extra special interest 
Destined to end up playing an important state role, 
Or even protect and serve authority itself 

Laws are made to be obeyed and that’s the way the system stays 
The country stands with troops at hand who 
Provide protection for the state 
Schools are used to preach the rule; the path is wrecked, 
Destroyed for all 
Employment gained? The country’s safe? Now one for all, 
And all for everyone